Token Details:

  • Ticker: HOBBIT

  • Token address: 0x77E246073cCd33939be0255249FaBb90D87Ef066

  • Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20)

  • Supply: Unlimited

Emission Rate:

  • 0.2 Hobbit/block (first two hours);

  • 0.1 Hobbit/block (next six hours);

  • 0.01 Hobbit/block (next 160 hours);

  • After 168 hours the emission rate will depend on the Total Value Lock.

  • maximum: 0.4 Hobbit/block

  • minimum : 0.01 Hobbit/block

Deflationary Mechanics:

  • A 5% burn fee will be charged at staking.


  • 80% of the burn fee will be used to buyback HOBBIT and burn it;

  • 10% will be sent to the developer’s address;

  • 10% will be held in escrow for Hobbit Finance, for future projects;

  • Hobbit Betting (coming soon) will be a fun and unique way to introduce an additional burning mechanism & provide more profit for staking holders.

Last updated